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Offshore Done Right

A Blended Solution Brings Success

If you’ve been in the IT industry within the past decade, there’s no doubt you’ve had at least one offshore IT sourcing mishap that has thrown a wrench into your project’s success. When offshore sourcing first began, it seemed like it would be an immediate fix to the challenges of high costs, but what the IT community quickly uncovered was that low sourcing costs did not necessarily mean that your project would be on budget.

The Challenges of IT Offshore Sourcing

Exposure of Private and Corporate Data

The risk of exposing confidential personal, client, and corporate information can be a real threat with any IT project, but with the added dimension of offshore interaction, it can become even more complicated.

Synchronizing the Deliverables

Gaining consistency in deadlines and deliverables required can often be lost in cultural translation. As a result, your deadlines have to be extended in order to reach your final product.

Hidden Costs

When you hear a low hourly rate or project cost, it’s easy to want to dive in head-first. But that cost isn’t always accurate as what are called ‘change orders’ tend to rapidly pile up, skewing the final cost.

Final Results

Your project wouldn’t be the first that had to be scrapped and started again from the beginning due to a complicated relationship with an IT offshore team.


Our state-of-the-art security practices ensure encryption around the world with real-time monitoring. This combined with one of the most detailed screening processes in the industry brings a level of security seldom found for IT offshore sourcing.

It business solution’s Hybrid Agile Delivery Model

Often in offshore outsourcing, the only timeline is the deadline and the mad rush that happens days before. This doesn’t work for you, and it’s why It business solution has been trusted time and time again to deliver IT projects to the enterprise.

Our unique way of having an onshore project manager, often complemented by onshore tacticians, in daily live progress meetings with the offshore team ensures all deadlines are met. The agile project method brings you daily progress in real-time that you can monitor 24/7. Projects are broken down into two-week milestones so progress is measured and recognized.

Investing in Being Under Budget and Ahead of Schedule

The foresight of most offshore IT sourcing for projects is to get the project task list completed. With It business solution’s agile methodology and real time project tracking, efficiency is the name of our game. It business solution project managers know well in advance if there are any discrepancies to costs and schedules, allowing for real-time modifications to resources and implementation that can’t happen in the week before the entire project is due to be live.

No Surprises, Just Results

Efficiency in an IT project for you means costs that stay under budget, timelines that are met, and no surprises. Real-time monitoring of progress and your option to join in daily meetings means that there is complete transparency that you can see.

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